What is a Treesort you ask? Oh nothin', just a place where your lodging is your very own TREEHOUSE!!! Just imagine the Ewok village. This is the closest Tiffany has ever been to camping, so I have to declare that I am very proud of the brave face she is putting on for all of this. So far there is a permanent chorus of knats swarming in front of our tree house door and all sortsa things that go buzz in the night AND we don't have our own bathroom. But she's being very adventurous and chipper and I'm very proud of her. Although I wouldn't be surprised if at some point tonight we have a very MY COUSIN VINNY moment outside of our treehouse.
Oh yeah. This is all in Oregon. We are in Oregon now...
But allow me to endulge by starting at the beginning. This morning, the Dodge Four woke up in Santa Rosa California, ready to tackle the Jelly Belly Factory a few hours north. After a night of gargling hydrogen peroxide both my funky tooth ache and throat infection were GONE! VIIICTORYYYY!!!!! And what better way to celebrate not having a toothache than by eating large quantities of Jelly Beans!
So we skipped breakfast and busted up the California to get to said factory mere moments after opening... and took a tour of the facility's very very clean Jelly Bean making...parts. Actually, the place made me think of Heisenberg's meth factory in Breaking Bad. I tried to share that with Charlie but she didn't get the reference.

After we all found out how Jelly Beans are made (It's not when a Mommy Jelly Bean and a Daddy Jelly Bean really love each other...) we caught some hearty grub at the Grizzly Bear Diner and then jaunted more up the California and out into Oregon. It was a lovely six hour drive. The girls are now looking out their windows more- I'm getting the sense it's just to stop my endless whining about it all. But nonetheless they are, and the four of us actually had quality conversations during the drive. But once we crossed the Oregon border we promised to let them dive back into their video games. And they did. Hey, baby steps, right?
So now we are in the deep woods of Oregon. And you know me, when I think deep woods, I also think "Cue the dueling banjos, please." But hey, this is Oregon, right? I mean, technically, it's still the west coast...sorta. Plus, I only saw ONE confederate flag hung outside a house on the way to the Treesort. So there's proof right there that they are very forward thinking and quite open minded...
The other hilarious thing that I discovered was in Oregon, the pinatas might not be made BY Mexicans, but they most certainly are made OF Mexicans:

"Come on Bobby! Hit that Mexican! HIT HIM HARDER! WHACK THAT FUCKER!!! Wait! Everybody wait! I don't want everybody rushing in once Bobby rips that Mexican in two, he may not be done hitting the Mexican!"
Tomorrow we will wake up to a glorious tree house view overlooking some tree lined mountains and a pasture of horses...then tackle the rapids. We are river rafting down...I actually don't know the name of the river, but I'm sure it will be cold. There are no locks on our treehouse door so I will have to keep the laptop in the car. If you don't find a blog up tomorrow then that means someone broke into our car and took everything. Yay! Until tomorrow...
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